Users' guide

My preferences

After registering for Shopz you can keep your profile information up to date on the My preferences page.

You could find "My preferences" page through link "Edit preferences" in the Fast access to Shopz floating bar in the right on each page

On the My preferences page you will find four sections:

  • IBM ID profile information - In this section you will find your basic contact information. If any of this information is out-dated, there is an Edit IBM profile button which will take you to the IBM ID Web site so you can correct it.
  • User Preferences - In this section you can update your preferences. Simply make your selections and click the Update Preferences button.
  • User Groups - In this section all of your Roles and Authorization Management (RAM) user groups are identified. Most users are only members of one RAM user group. For each group, the group name, customer numbers, group managers and your roles in the group are identified. The group managers are listed as e-mail links, so you can contact them directly if needed. A Withdraw from group button allows you to request to be removed from the group.
  • Request access to customer numbers - Use this section to submit a request to join the group for a customer number. Simply enter your customer number (or numbers) and click the Request Access button. This will send a request to the group manager for the user group associated with the customer number you entered.

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