Supported Product List
The global Supported Products List (SPL) identifies all software products supported by IBM via Support Line, Enhanced/Proactive Technical Support or other services.
Access the Supported Product List and information from the list below.
- Some Supported Product List information is being incorporated into the IBM Product Lifecycle pages. If redirected to IBM Product Lifecycle to identify the available services, perform a product search or search for the eligible service. Changes are made periodically to reflect new products added and remove products no longer supported.
- Products and support groups might be listed for countries in which IBM has not announced Support under these services. Please check with your local country representative to make sure Support is announced in your country.
For any questions or concerns with the Supported Product List, use the feedback button to the right and submit your comments to IBM.
- Supportline
- Expert Care
- Proactive Support/Enhanced Technical Support(ETS)
- Software Maintenance
- Passport Advantage S&S (Subscription & Support)
- SoftwareXcel for System z (US Only)
- Extended Support
- Defect Support via USA Citizens for System z
- Media Retention Services for Servers and Storage
- Microcode Support Offering (GTMS/TMS)
- Committed Maintenance Service Levels (CMSL) - MTM Eligibility in the United States
- IBM Open Source Products Supported (OSS)
- IBM Optimization Support for VMware
- IBM Support for Oracle Software - Supported Product List
- Proactive Checks
- Technical Advisor
- IBM Network Health Check