General Page
The product ships with an intuitive, easy to use GUI interface. The interface provides for the collection and verification of a customized set of information about an application, its runtime environment, and the IBM i system that it runs on. Users have the ability to collect a wide array of information, system settings, and attributes. This collected information is built into what we call a ‘template’. Once a template is built, it can be used to verify the application, and its environment, on the same system where the template was built, or any other IBM i system. A system is verified against the information stored in the template, and the results are documented in a set of reports. These reports give a clear and concise view of what changed, or what is different. The beauty of this interface and methodology is that you can build and maintain an application knowledge base, which can be used to automatically verify a system. You can easily update your template to include new information and settings as you learn more about things that cause your application or system run incorrectly.
For examples of how ARE can change the way you do application service and support, see the usage examples in the getting started guide.
What you can collect
The IBM Administration Runtime Expert for i has a wide array of application attributes and settings it can collect, along with many of the system settings and values most critical to your applications. Here are some of the possible attributes and values that it can collect:
- File/directory/library authorities
- Owner
- Authorization list
- Primary group
- Object authorities
- Data authorities
- File/directory/library attributes
- Creation date
- Last modified date
- File size
- File type
- IBM i object native attributes
- Attributes within property/http/XML configuration files
- User IDs
- Product PTFs & PTF Groups
- System Values & Network Attributes
- Product installation status
- Internet Protocol network verification and configuration
- Environment variables
- Ports in use
- CL and Qshell command output
- SQL statement output
- Log files
Getting started
Advanced topics
- Damage Detection Tool (324KB)
- Scripts and Commands plug-in (378KB)
- Resource Collector plug-in (161KB)
- Replacement variables: What they are and how to use them (837KB)
- Script interfaces to ARE (150KB)
- Edit and Rebuild Template (0.98MB)
- Using Integrated Template (228KB)
- Introducing SQL Verifier plug-in (240KB)
- How to Enable Low Authority Users to Build Templates (721KB)
- How to Enable SSL connection (32KB)
Code samples
Code samples that demonstrate different aspects of writing custom plug-ins are shipped as part of the ARE product. The code samples can be found on any system where the product is installed in this directory:
Fix Description |
V7R4M0 ARECore | V7R5M0 ARECore |
Release Date |
IBM i Administration Runtime Expert updates Q3 2024
SJ01871 | SJ01380 | SJ01379 | Sep 26, 2024 | |
Navigator compatibility fix - PTF verification | SJ00857 | Jun 09, 2024 |
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Modified date:
04 October 2024