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ldap for ibm i,ldap for i,ldap,ibm directory server,ibm directory server for i,lightweight directory access protocol
IBM Directory Server for IBM i™ (also referred to as Directory Services) provides Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). LDAP runs over Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and is popular as a directory service for both Internet and non-Internet applications.
You can perform most setup and administration tasks of the LDAP directory server through the graphical user interface (GUI) of either IBM i Navigator or the new WebAdmin tool. IBM i Navigator (part of IBM i Access for Windows) must be installed separately on a PC that is connected to your system. The new WebAdmin tool lets you manage your directory server using a web browser.
Directory Services can be used for a variety of tasks, such as:
- User authentication and authorization for Web servers or other LDAP-enabled applications
- Locating and providing information about people and distributed resources like printers
- Policies that are shared by multiple applications or application instances
Since IBM i V5R1, Directory Services is integrated as part of the base operating system. Directory Services includes an LDAP server and complete set of LDAP clients and utilities.
IBM Tivoli Directory Server for IBM i (LDAP) (2.2 MB)
LDAP Server Keeps Getting Better
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The BlueNotes Suite
Abstract: Two members of the BlueNotes Suite can assist with directory integration.
Directory Synchronization for IBM i
This module adds selected IBM i user profiles to the System Distribution Directory, synchronizes them with the LDAP-enabled IBM Secureway directory (Directory Server) or exports them to the Domino Directory, hence providing a partial replacement for the IBM i Domino Directory Synchronization function which is being withdrawn in Lotus Domino 6. It can be used for Messaging Migration and Coexistence, Enterprise Directory Consolidation and e-Business. It was previously known as BluePages.
Directory Taxonomy for Domino
This module provides for a four-category, seven-level enterprise taxonomy to be defined for people-related information based on Domino Directory fields such as Department, Location and email address. This mirrors the function of the IBM i System Distribution Directory. The taxonomy database then updates Corporate Hierarchy Information in the Directory's Person documents which provides end users with hierarchical views of the Domino Directory when selecting addresses. The same taxonomy is also available to categorise data in other Notes applications including BlueNotes Document Warehouse. It can be used for Directory Enhancement and Knowledge Management.
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